Save Time With Will Call Pick Up From Phillips Food Service
Phillips Food Service is centrally located just east of downtown San Antonio.
- Fast, free delivery when order minimums are met
- Centrally located for will-call or order pick up
- Better pricing on the items you need
- Se habla Español!
We Have the Products You Need for Your Restaurant
These items and more are IN STOCK and available NOW for pick up:
- Triple Clean Pinto Beans
- Fresh Ground beef
- Grade A French Fries
- Styrofoam Cups
- Hinged To Go Styrofoam Plates
- Case Foil Sheets
- Kraft Towel Rolls
- Plastic Cutlery Packs
- Gallon Jugs of Bleach
- Gallon Jugs of Carbon Grease Remover
Call us at (210) 229-8109 to learn more. Se habla Español!